To know, trust, worship, love and obey Christ

This site is dedicated to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, The Triune God from whom and through whom and to whom all things exist (Romans 11:33-36). This site is there for you to discover the grace of Jesus Christ in the gospel and receive Him as your only Savior, Lord, Treasure and Hope.

Once you have discovered the surpassing worth and glory of Christ we hope you will grow to be like Him and then commit yourself to make Him known among the people around you and to the nations across the world. For us to live is Christ and to die is gain (Phillipians 1:21).

What the Scriptures say

Come to Me all who are burdened and heavily laden and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).

Jesus Christ

I have counted all as lost for the surpassing worth of knowing Christ (Phillipians 3:7).

The Apostle Paul

Go and make disciples of all nations…teaching to observe all I have commanded you (Matthew 28:18)

Jesus Christ

Know and worship Christ and make Him known among the nations!